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4D Puzzle Mystery Dragon

Here be another dragon!

A friend recently gave me this dragon to add to my collection. It’s a multipart toy dubbed as a 4D Puzzle and manufactured by a Hong Kong based company called Fame Master.  More of a puzzle than a scale model kit, the dragon came in 26 parts inside an egg much like the Megabloks Dragons. The pieces are made from a sturdy plastic and came prepainted. All the parts snapped fit into each other quite well and I had a dragon model just a few minutes after opening the egg.

And what a model it is! First of all, the sculpt is pretty amazing with loads of deep detail work. The texture of the skin looks really scaly and – dare I say it – pretty much what a self-respecting dragon would wear to maiden raids. The rough hide is contrasted well by the differently textured underbelly and the smooth wing membranes. The head features a set of frills that I normally do not prefer but the design makes it work. 

More important though are the paint apps.  This model is proof positive that not all toys made from China have crappy painting. This dragon has a very beautiful paint job that did away with the crappy drybrushing seen on other fantasy models and toys but instead boasts a block-colored scheme with amazing patterning, especially on the wing membranes.  My only complaint would be the small gaps noticeable between the parts but other pictures I’ve seen don’t seem to have these as noticeable as mine has. Maybe I need to tighten the way I attached them and maybe superglue them permanently.

Overall, a great addition to my flight of dragons! 

“Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you art crunchy and good with ketchup.” 


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