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The Nightmare Before Christmas: Lock, Shock and Barrel

Lock, Shock, and Barrel are introduced as Oogie Boogie's not-so-loyal "little henchmen." Lock, Shock, and Barrel are not really loyal to Oogie as they are simply making mischief for their own fun and to stay on his good side (in other words: they serve him out of fear) and after his death they just have harmless fun, which they seem to enjoy more; however, this is contrasted by their lack of common sense as, presumably due to their lust for mischief they have shown no protest when their master was revived in the spinoffs, and once out of boredom revived him themselves in "Oogie's Revenge".. They all three are trick-or-treaters, with masks similar to their faces(e.g. Barrel's skeleton mask is large and round to fit his face. And has a huge grin on it and he has a near-permanent creepy smile). Their names are a play on the phrase, "lock, stock, and barrel." Though not totally antagonistic, they are usually the comedy relief. They appear to be Anti-heroes or merely neutral characters, as they'll work for most of those who summon them. From Wikipedia

Lock is supposedly the leader of Oogie's Boys, but does not always think through things thoroughly and just likes to be in charge. Lock wears a red devil costume; his tail is a real devil's tail, his teeth are pointed sharply. His face is narrow and long-jawed with angular features, and his red and brown hair is formed into two horns making him, literally, a handsome devil. He likes to think highly of himself and gets upset when others insult him or take the lead; however, he goes along with others' ideas if he fails to come up with anything himself.

Shock is the most cunning and dangerous of the three, presumably she is the oldest, and she is the only female of Oogie's henchmen. She has some contempt for the other two and their supposed stupidity, although she often gets tired with them. Shock wears a purple witch costume with an elongated hat and she sometimes carries a broomstick. She has a high-pitched girl's voice, green skin, a pointed nose, and wirey hair. She often takes the lead in many plans and likes to be right.

Barrel is Oogie's "star pupil," presumably the youngest, and mistakenly considered the stupidest of the three troublemakers, despite his protests to the contrary. He is the butt of many jokes made by his friends but usually gets even through his own tricks which he always gets away with. Barrel wears a skeleton costume and has deformed feet and almost always carries an orange and black lolipop, otherwise resembling a small human boy, albeit one with white skin, sunken eyes, and perfectly coiffed green hair. His face is round and has a perpetual grin, except when he is angry or scared. Barrel usually pilots the walking bathtub the trio use as transport. He also unintentionally bothers Jack when asking him a number of annoying questions. Often he gets left out of things because he is forever falling over his own deformed feet and he is sometimes slow to catch on.


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